

Friday, July 30, 2010

Amelia's Imagination

Amelia has really been into Blue's Clues for awhile now. She gets on kicks where she'll only want to watch the same two or three episodes over and over again (and on a side note, I'll have songs from the episodes stuck in my head for days!!). Right now she particularly likes the soccer episode.

It's really quite adorable: Joe is the coach who is organizing soccer practice for Blue and her friends. And they do stretches and exercises at the beginning, and then have a round of practice. So, while we were watching Project Runway last night, Amelia starts rummaging through the desk drawer where we keep the chapstick. She's allowed to, as long as she uses some and puts it back. But she suddenly pulls out this chapstick on a rope and puts it around her neck. Then she runs over and grabs one of the dogs' squeaky soccer balls and sweeps her arms in a circle in front of her and says "Come here everybody!!" (But so cute, sounds more like "Eddrybody"). Then she blew her "whistle!!" It took all of us a couple of seconds to register what she was doing, but it was soooo funny!! It's so amazing to see her imagination at work and growing all the time!! I'll try to get a picture of Amelia the Coach up later today.

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