

Saturday, January 1, 2011

35 & 36 week Check-ups

So we've had another two check-ups fly by! Time sure is zooming since we've been going every week (thank goodness!).

At 35 weeks (12/23), we had another ultrasound for fluid check, but the gal also did all the measurements for baby's size. They guess the baby was about 5# 11oz at that time (70-something percentile). Baby's heart rate was 129, then went up to 150s (I think Baby was sleeping, then woke up during the ultrasound). My blood pressure was really good (128/70). The non-stress test turned out fine also.

At 36 weeks (12/27), we did it all over again! The non-stress test and ultrasound went great. We got to see the baby practice breathing again--such a cool thing to see!! My blood pressure was slightly elevated (138/78), but still acceptable. He did point out that it was up a little from the week before, but he was still okay with it since it still appeared to be responding to the medication. We are at the point that if it starts to go up again, we will just skip bedrest or upping the medication and have an induction. But for now, he'll let me keep being pregnant!!! On a side note, I'm 36 weeks 6 days right now; this is the day in my pregnancy with Amelia that I had her! And another note, I had gained 40 lbs by this time with her. I'm only at 29lbs!!! Go me!!! Our next appointment is this Monday. I'm still hoping to deliver the week after (1/11/11 would be a sweet birthday!!).

I'm feeling great still! Having some trouble sleeping at night, between potty breaks and trying to get comfortable. My hips are starting to hurt, especially after sitting or standing for long periods of time. But I suppose both things are just my body's way of getting ready!!!!

The picture below is from the 36 week ultrasound. Still a beautiful baby if I do say so myself (I'm not biased or anything)!!!

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